Atlas: Edge of Rebellion #2
Eric Finley was on a vengeful quest to avenge his missing mother who crossed paths with an underground ELITE organization hungry for war against the AuroBourne government. Now, the city is in shambles from an extensive earthquake artificially developed by the ELITES infiltrating the entire district’s borders as they watch it burn with phase three in development to expose AuroBourne’s sins of the past.
Story & Artist: Tarik DJ Holmes
Editor: David Gueringer
Cover A, B, C, & D: Tarik DJ Holmes
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About the Series
TDJ Comics’s Atlas is a sci-fi action-adventure comic book series set in the near future after a war broke down between nations and the world split into six (6) districts isolated from each other. Two of the worlds that we will cover in this series is as follows: AuroBourne – the land of the rich and futuristic in technology and cyberpunk; Stonehollow – current-day land of the poor full of slumps, scraps, and outdated technology on the outskirts of AuroBourne.
In the story of Atlas, AuroBourne is ruled by a super-powered rebellious group of criminals called the ELITES orchestrated by their ruthless and terrakinesis leader, Magnitude. The protagonist, Eric Finley, lost his mother from a critical incident at Titon Labs and is on a quest to avenge his mother by ridding the world of super-powered crimes associated to her disappearance while discovering his newfound abilities of manipulating all forms of water. Eric’s entire worldview changed as he witnesses the ELITES’, including the government’s, involvement and desire to manipulate Titon Lab’s top-secret chemical project into a deadly weapon.
Meet the Characters of Atlas
Eric Finley
College mechanics student who possesses the DNA mutagen of manipulating all forms of water but only activated after losing his mother from the incident at Titon Labs. Due to the rise of super-powered crimes and stolen tech in the black markets in AuroBourne, the government shut down all projects stationed by Titon Labs. Eric attends Nexus Hi-Tech University, a scientific engineering Academy by day and works as a vigilante by night to solve the mystery of his missing mother.
WATER MANIPULATION / GENERATION: Atlas possesses the ability to generate and convert into any state of water, including ice and gas. He can also absorb and add water to his mass which enhances his superhuman strength, speed, and agility.
WATER MIMICRY: Atlas can transform himself to water in all different forms; whether partially or completely formed into a water-like liquid substance. In addition to taking on many forms, he possesses the ability to create or wield weaponry with a wide variety of hydro-kinetic power.
CRYOKINESIS: As briefly shown in Atlas Issue #1, Atlas can generate, shape, manipulate, and control ice into many frozen solid forms including weaponry for combat. He can also construct ice walls/shields in defense mode to protect himself against the most powerful distance attacks.
Power Rating:
Lloyd Finley
AuroBourne Chief of Police
Father of Eric Finley and Chief of Police in the AuroBourne Police Department Division 7 in the heart of the city. He is working on a case to decrease all gang and ELITES activity occurring in the city by eliminating the head of the group but is restricted by the federal government by setting priorities only on the Atlas vigilante.
Aleisha Finley
High School Biologist
Sister of Eric Finley and a high-school student who attends a science academy in AuroBourne following in her mother’s footsteps of becoming a scientist. Similar to Eric’s motivations, Aleisha is willing to do whatever it takes to bring her mother back home.
Amara Osei
Warrior Princess
Amara was born into the Osei family, which means “royalty”, with uncontrollable god-like powers. She was skillful and trained hard under the discipline of her father, a powerful King of their country ruling one of the six districts of the world. Her father fought harder to protect his family of three after losing half of his tribe from the war that split the countries into districts. Little does Amara know the full extent of her god-like powers as her upper limits could unlock new heights in her power and potentially put her whole kingdom at stake.
AEROKINESIS: Amara possesses the ability to create, shape, and manipulate the air molecules surrounding her within the planet Earth. She can also absorb and release bursts of winds strong enough to destroy concrete and steel, further enhancing her strength, speed, and agility.
AIR CONSTRUCTS: Amara can solidify the air and winds into a wide range of objects and weaponry such as razor blades, shields, platforms, and much more. Her aeroBlade is sufficient for slicing through solid steel and buildings.
RAGING CYCLONE: Amara has the power to summon a powerful whirlwind that can level up to a large-scale tornado with winds traveling more than 300 mph. It’s vigorous and lethal enough to pull in the oxygen and air molecules within a mile radius, making the area less dense and unbreathable.
Power Rating:
A leader of a ruthless rebellion group called the ELITES; seeking to overthrow the police force and government by forcefully taking his rightful place as leader of AuroBourne and bringing the technological district down to its knees. He gathers the mutagen serum stolen from Titon Labs and utilizes it as tattoo ink to enhance his ELITE group of like-minded liberators from his homeland.
EARTH MANIPULATION / CONSTRUCTS: Keith has the power to create, shape, and utilize the elements from the earth as tools and weapons, or even transmute the very ground he stands on. In offense mode, he can hurl his enemies by extracting barriers and earth-like elements at high speed, and even transmute the very ground you’re standing on.
EARTH MIMICRY: He can also transform his body completely into Earth (or earthly elements depending on how much he mastered his ability on other elements) which increases his durability and strength.
EARTH EXOSKELETON: Keith possesses the ability to form armor around his body or shape it from earthen materials, such as stone, crystal, soil, and mud for protection and physical boost. He can also shape his armor into new forms for combat including constructs, weapons, and even transportation.
Power Rating:
Jeremiah Moore
ELITES Co-Founder & Member
A childhood friend and colleague of the ELITES leader, Keith Brock. He and Keith co-founded the movement and group after witnessing their school friends murdered by the criminals and psychopaths released from AuroBourne into their hometown Stonehollow. Jeremiah plays 2nd-in-command of the ELITE organization and wishes to pursue in his childhood friend and brother’s goals in fighting for injustice in AuroBourne no matter the cost.
REPLICATION: Jeremiah can instantly replicate himself out of his flesh as multiple, stronger and powerful clones than the original, and utilize them for the user’s benefit. The catch is the more clones he projects, the more unstable and weaker the original becomes unless merged back.
CLAY MANIPULATION: He also possesses the ability to generate clay minerals out of his flesh and blood and manipulate them to his liking. In combat mode, he can generate limbs or extensions of his arms/legs made out of clay to stretch up to 20 yards in length. The duplicates also obtain these abilities but they’re more advanced than the original copy.
CLAY EXOSKELETON: As taught by his childhood friend and leader of the ELITES, Jeremiah can assemble his body as a solidified shell armor made of clay minerals for protection boosting his strength and durability with some extra attributes.
Power Rating:
Derek Ellis
An unemployed non-citizen living in Stonehollow (outskirts of AuroBourne) after being condemned and deported from his hometown of AuroBourne. He gained electrical powers after being hired by the ELITES to rebel against AuroBourne and their corrupted ways. He is persistent in achieving his goals and highlighted as one of the most powerful members in the group; however, he’s sort of a hothead over little things (mainly Atlas).
ELECTRICITY GENERATION: His body can generate an incredible amount of electricity from his body up to 500 Megawatts (which is half the amount of energy found in large power plants). This power also grants him electrical immunity; however, generating too much or emitting past his limits may cause some unconsciousness.
HYPERSONIC SPEED: He can convert himself into electro-magnetic energy which grants him lightning-fast reflexes and speed ranging about 100-150x faster than a 9mm bullet. He can easily zip through space in the direction he’s moving, and reappear up to several miles away.
ELECTROKINETIC CONSTRUCTS: Derek possesses the ability to convert his bio electricity into different forms and objects of his imagination such as weapons or shields. He can also release waves of electricity to shock his opponents in both short and long melee bursts.
Power Rating:
Josiah Wright
Childhood best friend of Derek Ellis and a member of the ELITES. He joined the crew and gained his levitation powers to settle some scores and move away from his carefree parents’ home in Stonehollow for a better life. He is also one of the few tech geeks in the squad with a sleek hi-tech arm sleeve he developed that can project holographic screens and other database-related information for the ELITES crew.
GRAVITY CONTROL: Josiah possesses the ability to levitate or lift objects up from the ground and nullify the effects of gravity just by pointing or touching those objects and directing them with his fingertips. He can only control a limit number of objects based on their total mass (roughly 4 tons) putting a strain to his stamina.
GYRO-TELEKINESIS: With the weightless objects he controls precisely, Josiah can move and manipulate matter by controlling the gravity surrounding it. They can be utilized with incredible force as projectiles or weapons for attacks, or protective barriers for defense.
SELF-GRAVITON: Once mastered, he can expertly formulate his own gravitational field where any objects (or opponents) inside the field are under his gravitational control. This also grants him enhanced strength, speed, and agility by simply manipulating the mass and gravity on himself and surrounding objects.
Power Rating:
One of the finest members of the ELITES organization. He gained his volatile powers from joining the ELITES to raise funds for his family, including himself, living in poverty inside the poor district of Stonehollow after being deported from his hometown of AuroBourne. He vows to tear down the fountains of AuroBourne with his own bare hands and root out the injustice and hypocrisy of its current leaders.
EXPLOSIVE CONTACT: He possesses the ability to combust, ignite, and manipulate explosives and detonations from the touch of his own fingers. He can cause anything or anyone he touches into a bomb with just a rapid increase of kinetic energy in atoms and molecules from his fingertips.
VOLATILE CONSTRUCTS: He can compose and generate the complexity of his detonators with various yields ranging from small explosions to near-nuclear blasts, regardless of the mass or size of objects/opponents he utilizes in the surrounding environment.
EXPLOSION IMMUNITY: Detono is immune to most explosions he exerts; however, he is not completely invulnerable to the high temperatures of highly volatile explosives such as nuclear bombs. If not careful, the user detonating himself may become lethal (note the scars and burns on his body).
Power Rating:
Devana Kacela
A military veteran for 8 years until AuroBourne suddenly striped her name and title claiming that she doesn’t belong there. She enlisted in the Marine Corps after losing her brother at the war years ago; eventually rising to the ranks of Captain. She later joined the ELITES after discovering her own military base were planning to expel her out of the city.
CHAIN CREATION: Devana is granted the ability to create and summon any kind of chains exerting from the blood veins in her body. She can manipulate the strength, density, and material of the chains ranging from low-grade zinc to high-level alloy steel.
CHAIN CONSTRUCTS: She also possesses the ability to shape, manipulate, and bind chains into any kind of weapon or object she desired. If she isn’t careful, the creation of her chains can be limited by the lack of blood vessels and flesh generating this unique ability.
Power Rating:
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